Sunday, June 9, 2013

Israel: Volume II

It's been a year since my last trip to Israel and although I may be classified as a veteran Israeli traveler, some things never change. Just like last year I am sitting on my bedroom floor attempting to translate every thought and detail that is racing through my head only hours before my last sleep in my bed until I return. I am confident that my suitcase won't be completely packed until the morning and I am struggling with how I want to word my next sentence. Thankfully, these are only minor setbacks.

The land of Israel so enraptured me that I wanted to return the day I left. My friends will testify to the impact serving Israel has made on my life because it is all I ever talk about. As much as I long to serve in God's holy land, I'll admit I'm struggling. A year ago I was apprehensive about the trip, but I was not unprepared. From fundraisers to conversations there was abundant affirmation that I was spiritually prepared for the trip. This time around it's different. It's not that I'm lacking in spiritual support from friends, believe me I know who my prayer partners are! I think my struggle stems from  a lack of personal preparation. With everything from moving to graduating, my schedule has been beautifully and ridiculously busy. But God works all things for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28)

Due to an miraculous chain of events our flight that was scheduled to leave Monday was booked for Tuesday. Technically, the team is losing a day, but in the long run we are gaining so much more. As quickly as our flight changed doors opened for the team to serve the Jewish community in our hometown. It gets better. After serving our team will spend the evening praying and preparing our hearts for the trip. There could be many reasons for this change of events, but to me it seems like God is saying, "Maddy you will finally have the time to spiritually prepare for this trip." Yep, I can dig that.

In about twelve hours the journey begins, even if I haven't left my home state. Please keep the team in your prayers as we serve and seek what God wants us to do in His chosen land. Cannot wait for what's in store tomorrow!

